Even though Valentine's Day is behind us it does not mean we should stop taking care of ourselves. Winter is in full swing and so are the problems that come with it. Every week I will do a "Winter Woes" post, which will address a winter-specific problem. Today it is the sexily named "Keratosis Pilaris."
Have any of you ever looked at the back of your arms and noticed weird flesh colored bumps that came out of nowhere? You don't have to admit but I know some of you did...and wondered what in the hell are those??? It is most likely keratosis pilaris, more commonly known as chicken skin. And it is just as gross as chicken skin, at least I think it is. I'll be honest and admit I get these every single winter..without fail..blargh! This was the bad news. The good news is that I finally figured out how to get rid of it. It is so simple that a monkey can do it...if monkeys got keratosis pilaris, which I am not sure they do, but IF they did, they could easily get rid of it.
Anyhoo, according to Wikipedia, or some equally reliable source, KP is caused by lack of moisture in the air. Since your skin is very dry it is actually little hairs that can't poke through the skin (eeek) so they stay right under it and cause bumps (double eeeek). So the key is hydration and exfoliation. Once I read that I followed a simple routine and it worked like a charm. Every time I take a shower I use a sugar-based body scrub like this one:
I take a small amount and rub it on the backs of my arms only...rub, rub, and rub, until the sugar melts. You can use a salt scrub instead, but those are much harsher, and if your skin is really dry it can get into the cracks and sting (OUCH!), so I stick with the sugar scrubs instead.
Once it melts, I was it off and go on with my shower. Then once I get out I put lotion as usual with one exception. I take a large glob of very rich lotion, like this:
(I recommend creme, not lotion - not moisturizing enough for this) and rub it on the back of my arms in the specific spots affected by KP. That way my skin gets the optimum amount of moisture and the bumps do not get a chance to form. Easy peasy I think.
Let me know if you try it and if it works for you too =)
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